2023 Tuesday Morning Ladies League


Schedule: Season to begin May 9th – August 22nd


Time:  Shotgun Start at 8:30am each Tuesday



  • This is a 9-hole league, BUT ladies have the option to continue playing and finish all 18-holes if they would like
  • The PGA Staff will assign teams based off handicap
  • Our intent is to have each woman play with everyone in league at least once throughout the summer
  • Each week team totals are compiled by using the top scores.
  • Modified Stableford Scoring (same as previous years)
  • Year long Individual point system- based off attendance and performance
  • The team with the highest number of points at season’s end is the winner!
  • AND the Individual with the highest number of points will be the Individual winner!


Handicaps: This league does require a handicap to play. If you don’t currently have a handicap, but would like to play in this league please contact the Golf Shop to talk with the PGA Professional Staff about how to get one.


Golf carts, walking, and caddies:     All are acceptable means of transportation for league.  If you have never taken a caddie, but are interested please ask a member of the PGA Professional Staff how this works.